This is the blog for the Stage Movement Class at Metro State University in Denver. We'll be discussing our readings and viewings for class here.

May 9, 2014

Creative Movement 2

My favorite three questions were the following:

  1. Range of Movement- range of movement is the limits of oneself in terms of stretching their body to its fullest and smallest in terms of space, length, height, and mobility.  It is also a way of establishing oneself in his/her ability to be emotional available and mentally focused.  Anything can affect the range of a person, whether that is stress, illness, physical pain, etc.  The ways that a person can move in order to allow diversity is by finding that neutral standing and walking position while moving.  If an actor can be as neutral as possible then the ways in which they can change are almost unlimited.
4. Body Awareness- Throughout the process of this class I definitely feel more comfortable with most of my body.  I feel like I understand how expressive I can be with the simplest of movements.  The only thing that I still feel like I am not completely comfortable with is the physical limitations of my hamstrings.  Despite that fact I still feel like everything that has to do with movement can relate to the awareness of feeling.  For example, if you walk around the room and move with a frantic, radiant energy it will more than likely you make you feel hyper or worried or similar emotions.  If you walk around the room in a slump with potent energy it can make you feel tired or irritated.

18. Application- All of this knowledge of stage movement is crucial to my professional life and personal life.  The reasons being that as an actor, you want to be able to have as much movement ability physically, emotionally, and mentally so that you will stand apart from all of the other actors that you are competing against.  In personal life it is crucial because it allows you to figure out how other people are trying to communicate to you even if they are not saying anything to you.  It also makes it so you are aware of how you are using body language when contacting another person.  Someone might think you are being aggressive if you are puffing your chest at them.  Since I have the knowledge of that movement portraying that emotion I could make sure to change that.

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