This is the blog for the Stage Movement Class at Metro State University in Denver. We'll be discussing our readings and viewings for class here.

Jan 24, 2011

Introduction, etc.

Greetings, my name is Roberto.

I'm a senior at Metro, English with a writing concentration is my major, theatre is my minor. I've taken the stage combat class, but it was eons ago (back in the dark ages of '06). I can't remember much from the class, but I still remember my stage falls as they've come in handy in nearly every other class I've taken.

I'm a huge nerd. Not really a shocker in a theatre course, but I thought you all should know. I'm currently doing a lot of work with a nonprofit called "5280 Comic Book Classroom" and hope to have much more exciting news regarding that come March. I'm also dramturge for Major Barbara.

That's me in a nutshell. Hope to learn more about all the rest of y'all in the future. See you Saturday.................................Roberto

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