This is the blog for the Stage Movement Class at Metro State University in Denver. We'll be discussing our readings and viewings for class here.

May 13, 2011


SOOOOOO I have not remembered to blog every time I have worked out, however, in the last 2 months I have been putting my gym membership to use, going at least 3 times a week (sometimes more) with Scott (Marklin).

Having a workout buddy really helps. We switch each day between legs & abs, chest & shoulders and arms & back. Today was arms and back, and I am going to be sore tomorrow! I always do at least 20 mins of cardio running or biking before lifting weights or doing toning exercises. We usually always spend at least an hour to an 1h30 at the gym each time. It's been a lot of fun and I'm starting to see (and feel) a bit of improvement! Once summer is here I plan to hit it a bit harder because the weather will be nice and I won't have to study any more, yay!

Although the blog has been inconsistent (sorry) please take note that the exercising has NOT been inconsistent :-)

Happy Summer

May 4, 2011

The Professor's Workout

This week I've been able to get back to the gym and lift weights and soak, b/c my husband's injury is getting much better. So we've been concluding the full-body circuit. I've also ridden the bike up and down this insane hill from my house to the grocery store, so. We'll ba adding the elliptical to our new circuit this summer.

Hey! All of you should look into taking my stage combat class this summer--it's staffs. I'll post a thingie about it here soon.

Workout Log

Workout Log for Rachel Massaro

My weight lifting circuit consists of the following using 5 pound weights:

  • 20 Bicep Curls
  • 40 Tricep curls behind head
  • 20 “Wings”
  • 20 Shoulder Squeezes
  • 20 Backwards Tricep curls
  • 20 Up-Rows
  • 20 lunges with weights, both sides
  • 20 squats with weights
  • 20 calf tip toes
  • 20 “Butt ups”
  • 6 pack abdominal routine (80 total crunches)
  • 20 Bicep Curls (again)

**I was doing a crazy diet and only eating 500 calories a day so I was unable to exercise until February 3rd.

February 3rd -

Metro State Cycling class:

30 minutes on bike

20 minutes cardio and weight lifting

February 5th -

Weight lifting circuit at night

February 6th -

Weight lifting circuit at night

Played with my puppy for 20 minutes

February 7th -

Weight lifting circuit in the morning

February 8th -

Weight lifting circuit in the morning

February 10th -

Did the elliptical at the hotel for 20 minutes

Swam for 20 minutes

February 12th -

Did the elliptical at the hotel for 20 minutes

February 13th -

Played with my dog for 20 minutes

Weight lifting circuit at night

February 14th -

Weight lifting circuit at night

February 15th -

Metro State Cycling class

30 minutes on bike

20 minutes cardio and weight lifting

February 16th -

Weight lifting circuit at night

February 17th -

Metro State Cycling class

30 minutes on bike

20 minutes cardio and weight lifting and abs

(Yay! My mom bought an Elliptical Machine!!!)

February 18th -

Weight lifting circuit in morning and night

Elliptical for 20 minutes

February19th -

Swimming for one hour

February 20th -

Yoga for one hour

February 21st -

Weight lifting circuit in morning and night

Elliptical for 20 minutes

February 22nd -

Metro State Cycling class

30 minutes on bike

20 minutes cardio and weight lifting and abs

February 23rd -

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

February 24th -

Metro State Cycling class

30 minutes on bike

20 minutes cardio and weight lifting and abs

February 25th -

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

Elliptical for 20 minutes

February 26th -

Swimming for one hour

February 27th -

Yoga for one hour

February 28th -

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

Elliptical for 20 minutes

March 1st -

Metro State Cycling class

30 minutes on bike

20 minutes cardio and weight lifting and abs

March 2nd -

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

March 3rd -

Metro State Cycling class

30 minutes on bike

20 minutes cardio and weight lifting and abs

March 4th -

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

March 5th -

Swimming for one hour

March 7th -

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

Elliptical for 20 minutes

March 8th -

Metro State Cycling class

30 minutes on bike

20 minutes cardio and weight lifting and abs

March 9th -

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

March 10th -

Metro State Cycling class

30 minutes on bike

20 minutes cardio and weight lifting and abs

March 11th -

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

Elliptical for 20 minutes

March 12th -
Swimming for one hour

March 13th -

Yoga for one hour

March 14th -

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

Elliptical for 20 minutes

March 15th -

Metro State Cycling class

30 minutes on bike

20 minutes cardio and weight lifting and abs

March 16th -

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

March 17th -

Metro State Cycling class

30 minutes on bike

20 minutes cardio and weight lifting and abs

March 18th -

Weight lifting circuit in the morning

March 18-27 - CRUISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did actually do the elliptical for 30 minutes and lifted weights for 20 one day :) But doesn’t snorkeling and swimming in the ocean count? I feel like I burned a ton of calories doing that!!! And we walked around all over the different islands :D

March 28th -

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

Elliptical for 30 minutes

March 29-31 - Trip to Orlando, FL for Disney audition

The dance audition that we had to do was an intense process that took about an hour and it was freakin hot and humid down there. I thought I was going to melt. I count that as one exercise day :)

April 1 -

Ensemble performance (This is Cookies class where we put on a show about hearing loss and it takes a ton of energy and movement)

April 2 -

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

Elliptical for 30 minutes

April 4 -

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

April 5 -

Metro State Cycling class

30 minutes on bike

20 minutes cardio and weight lifting and abs

April 7 -

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

April 8 -

Ensemble performance

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

Elliptical for 30 minutes

April 9 -

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

Elliptical for 30 minutes

April 11 -

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

April 12 -

Metro State Cycling class

30 minutes on bike

20 minutes cardio and weight lifting and abs

April 13 -

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

April 14 -

Metro State Cycling class

30 minutes on bike

20 minutes cardio and weight lifting and abs

April 15 -

Ensemble performance

April 16-18 - Sick :(

April 19 -

Metro State Cycling class

30 minutes on bike

20 minutes cardio and weight lifting and abs

April 21 -

Metro State Cycling class

30 minutes on bike

20 minutes cardio and weight lifting and abs

April 22 -

Ensemble Performance

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

Elliptical for 30 minutes

April 23 -

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

Elliptical for 30 minutes

April 25 -

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

Elliptical for 30 minutes

April 26 -

Metro State Cycling class

30 minutes on bike

20 minutes cardio and weight lifting and abs

April 28 -

Metro State Cycling class

30 minutes on bike

20 minutes cardio and weight lifting and abs

April 29 -

Ensemble performance

Weight lifting circuit morning and night

Elliptical for 30 minutes

May 1 -


May 2-5 - Busy with Directing Projects :(

May 6 -

Ensemble performance

May 2, 2011

Seuss Rehearsal Gallery

Work Out Log Catch up

So the last week, each day i did 30 min of cardio on a treadmill, 15 min on a bicycle and then some arm workouts to work my biceps and triceps, as well as ab workouts. I also incorporated the stair master into my routine :)

A belated Workout post

Since New Brain has been over, I've been trying to get back into a running regime. During NB, I'd say warm-ups and the show were a pretty decent work-out. I do a LOT of walking downtown and am looking forward to be living in the Cap. Hill Area so I'll be within walking distance of everything and plenty of great parks to spend time jogging this simmer.