This is the blog for the Stage Movement Class at Metro State University in Denver. We'll be discussing our readings and viewings for class here.

Jan 30, 2014

Creative Movement Questions

Hey everyone!!!
These are my best answers for the three questions we could put on here.  Just as a disclaimer, I did these questions in a word document first so I am going to copy and paste them on here.  Oh! And Jenn, if you could let me know if you've received my email with the entire list of questions that would be great!  I don't know if it went through or not and it is being a little temperamental.
Here we go!
1.    2.   I have noticed that the movement of individuals typically is constricted when it comes to their hands and their legs when they are nervous.  When this happens, it consists of someone being in an audition, giving a speech, or performing a musical piece for a live audience.  I believe that the most successful exercises to help free the body are yoga, jaw massages, and stretching.  This allows for people to get loosened up and have a lesser chance of tension arising.

1.     6.  I feel as if I am fairly good with my body and the spatial awareness I set for myself in space and even in myself.  I am not sure if I am completely comfortable with props and others in the same space.  This is due to the fact that a lot of times I end up just sitting there not knowing how to use my prop and utilize the people around me.

The way I know my body and how I use it is highly beneficial to my everyday life.  It helps me calm myself down when going into an audition, it helps me feel free to do what I want to do and not have the weight of a million things on top of me.  The investigation of movement applies to performance by understanding the human condition and being able to portray someone else while also not damaging yourself and making it realistic and believable to your audience.

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