This is the blog for the Stage Movement Class at Metro State University in Denver. We'll be discussing our readings and viewings for class here.

May 9, 2014

Creative Movement Questions 2

So I kept a lot of my original answers but I added in things at the end of most of them with updated thoughts at the end of the semester.

Seeing Others: For the most part I see other people move pretty fluidly. Obviously there are some people who have problems with their movement way more than the average person, but for the most part people move smoothly in regards to who they are. This semester I have noticed that more people around me move in interesting ways. I think that since I have been introduced to different movements people make I have been able to pick them out better.

Openness and Availability: For the most part I am open minded and able to try new things. There are times where I am reluctant to change my ways, but I will usually still listen to other opinions/options. This semester I have tried more new things and have opened myself up more to new friendships. Normally I am hesitant to put myself out there with new people but this semester I just decided to go for it with a couple new people and it was totally worth it.

Creative Play: Yes I am able to have fun while figuring out life. There are times when darkness creeps in but for the most part it is relatively easy to enjoy the people and things around me. As I get to know people better I find myself opening up more and not caring about trivial things. I have noticed that more people are drawn to me when I do that.

Expressiveness: It is not so easy to express myself through movement alone. I can do it but usually it takes effort if it is something I consciously want to express. Then there are other times that I wear my heart on my sleeve and it is obvious what I am feeling based on my body movements and expressions.

photo credit: Jenn Boughn

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