This is the blog for the Stage Movement Class at Metro State University in Denver. We'll be discussing our readings and viewings for class here.

Apr 3, 2015

Clowning as an alternative method of treatment

Robins Williams plays a great clown in the film “Patch Adams” when he decides that he wants to make people laugh.  His career starts out when he is studying to be a doctor and decides the best form of medicine is laughter and fun.  Williams portrays a clown who wears a red nose cap and giant shoes that squeak when he walks.  His entire outfit is matched with a medical professional although he adds a few items that any other clown would wear.  By doing this it shows that he wants to fit into the hospital but also in a joking way.
Robin Williams uses great clown techniques by performing tricks for children.  He blows up balloons and morphs them into different animals.  Another thing he likes to do is pull out different toys from his pockets and things that are much too large to fit in his jacket so it looks funny.  As a clown, Williams uses a lot of motion.  His arms seem to always be flailing in the air and he’s always got something different to show people for comedic effect.
Williams shows how a clown can be happy at times and very sad at others.  He gives off a wide range of emotions due to the different people he encounters.  Some of his patients require serious medical work which laughter alone cannot fix, and other times he can simply do the trick by telling a few jokes and making a fool of himself.  This primarily works with the patients with mental disorders who are in need of therapists.

As a whole I would say Robin Williams showed me the significance of clown work; that you must truly understand your targeted audience and be able to relate with them in some way or another.  Find what stresses them out and make a joke out of it.   

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