This is the blog for the Stage Movement Class at Metro State University in Denver. We'll be discussing our readings and viewings for class here.

Mar 16, 2017

Be A Clown Reading Response 
I had no idea that Whiteface was based on Pierrot. Don’t act… BE a clown, isn’t this the premise for acting in general!  

Finding a clown hat seemed to be difficult for me until I read this because technically it could be any hat that you feel fits your character.  Try different hats and determine the one that suits your character.

The piano story was hilarious because Clowning is absurd.  You need to think about the craziest idea and not what you would normally do.  Maybe even think about things that you wouldn’t do and do those. (Think like a clown!)  As with comedy, comedic timing is extremely important, including reactions.

Classic take - using audiences reactions to your behaviors.  
Double take - Looking at something twice, you’ve probably done this in reality, I know I have.  Where you look at something and then have to look again because you can’t believe what you're seeing.  Try a triple take, instead.
Spit take - Where you spit water all over because something happens.
Shudder take - Shaking your head rapidly and exaggerated to something that you hear or see. 
Delayed Reaction - Hurting yourself but then having a delayed reaction to it.

Comedy in threes - Use the joke, recall it, and top it.

This chapter gave me some good ideas for my clown character and our scene in general.  We can make it even bigger and raise the stakes even higher.

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