This is the blog for the Stage Movement Class at Metro State University in Denver. We'll be discussing our readings and viewings for class here.

Apr 11, 2014


Personal reaction: I really feel like after reading what a clown actually does for a routine that it seems silly for people to have such a fear of clowns.  When a lot of people hear the word clown today they do not think of actors who use physical comedy or anything about that nature.  Generally they picture horror movies and/or that story "My Cousin It," I think it was called.  Clowns are supposed to be funny not scary, and I never knew there were distinctions between different types of clowns.

Professional reaction: After the reading on what the different kinds of clowns there were and what the history of the clown was, one of the things that stood out to me was the mention of the name Marcel Marceau.  This name caught my attention because a year ago I was in a one act at Metro that had to deal with a mime, and my character tried to reference Marcel to my friend in order to give an example of what a mime actually did.  I find this interesting because for some reason I never really tied the act of miming as clowning.  They were generally separate categories for me, but now I see that miming is a form of clowning.

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