This is the blog for the Stage Movement Class at Metro State University in Denver. We'll be discussing our readings and viewings for class here.

Mar 19, 2015

Scenes Dissected

Hello one and all.

Scene One: It was well done, the actors were comfortable with one another. But I agree with Ashara, it seemed a bit under rehearsed and there was room for a lot more exploration. Ashara's uncomfortable tactics read very well and were very entertaining. Jason had some strong moments but there were moments that were unfocused and some lines were dropped so I lost words.

Scene Two: I had so much feakin' fun in this scene it's not even funny. I enjoyed Mrs. Malaprop and her lack of observation and her hubris. But, a great deal of more rehearsal was required, but that was our fault. I felt like the connection with Gustavo's character was not there until halfway through as I became more comfortable and did not try to get laughs. I know that I did paraphrase a few lines so the memorization was there but not as strong as I would have liked it to have been.

Scene Three: I felt that Tatum was really working hard to remember her lines and therefor came across as unsure and unfocused. When the two cousins had their interaction I noticed that Nikki was flipping through pages in some of the book. This was funny because of the adjustment they had received the week before, but it read as if Nikki's character did not care about her cousin even though she had been dying to see her (if I remember rightly). It didn't quite make sense. I also felt that there were memorization issues there as well, I noticed Audrey and Nikki making long pauses and looks of terror when they were trying to remember their lines.

Scene Four: Good scene, but I felt that Mr. Absolute's energy was a bit too much and frantic at times. It funny when it fit, but after a while he seemed to stay on that frantic level. Because of the unfocused energy, I lost a lot of Mr. Absolute's lines so I was not always sure what was going on in the scene. Having Zane use his script on stage was, admittedly, distracting and it hindered his performance as the character and his movement.

And with that, I bid you good day.

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