This is the blog for the Stage Movement Class at Metro State University in Denver. We'll be discussing our readings and viewings for class here.

Apr 14, 2011

Clownlympics Review :)

The Great Race- This group of clowns was hilarious in how they moved and used their bodies to share a story with us. Each clown had their own distinct walk, and you could also tell from their walk, their personality and character. When they all walked up to the starting line, they all meant business and you could tell the differences between the competitive ones and the clowns that didnt take it so seriously. The rolls and the falls that they did were played into the storyline amazingly, especially when Roberto's character fell down and Rachel came up behind him and pushed him down on the ground even more. When Roberto was trying to swoon Sophie's character to regain the lead again, it was hilarious- how he was so charming, and then he just ran ahead of her leaving her. At the end, i loved how the music changed and how it was suddenly slow motion- it was very easy to follow it in my head as well as imagination too. Danielle's face was priceless!! How excited she was and how proud of herself she was as well showed, and the reactions from the others was great. I would have liked to see more angry or sad reaction from Sophie, as she was out of the picture towards the end, but other than that- I loved this group. :) The Black Swan Gone Crazy- Matt, Mallory and Taylor's group was amazing with what they did to recreate The Black Swan clown style. The music they picked out fit extremely well, along with how they timed certain things to it to make it really feel like we were watching professional clowns. When Mallory came out from behind the curtain and how she made her entrance coincide with the music was hilarious- especially when she was trying to get out from behind the bar. When she was finally able to get out and then when she was going after Matt and Taylor, the HONK and the SQUAWKING that each clown bird made was priceless. I would have liked to see more falls maybe incorporated into the piece, but I do think that Taylor made a very realistic and graceful fall when Mallory stabbed her. One of my favorite scenes in the pices was when Taylor and Mallory were dancing with each other and they grabbed one a nother's boob and then the timing to the music when they were looking around was perfect! You guys did a really great job- I always enjoy watching to see what you come up with!! The Tight Rope- This was the group that I was in and although we didnt have any music to go along with our sceen, we did have our noises that we could make with our mouths and body as well as facial expressions. When we first got together to figure out what we were going to do, we came up with the tight rope idea almost instantly, but had a few different ideas on how to do it. At first we were thinking that maybe we could walk up some stairs and then go across the tight rope, but it still being only about 3 feet up so we could jump off. Another ideas was that we would play into the skit that one of us would "fall " off the rope but would be hanging onto it above the ground. Finally we just decided that what would work best was that we would walk onto the stage following our leader, and then make our way across the rope. We all had different characters as well. Zak was our "fearless" leader, Nicole was the happy go lucky one, Christae was the scared one, and I was the one who doesnt get scared easily and wasnt afraid to jump off. When it came time to perfom, I thought that we had come a long way from when we began. I also thought that we did it very good job. We incorporated falls and locomotor movements that would fit in easily, and we also had to use our bodies a lot to tell a story. For me personally, this was the most animated I have been in the class, probably because I knew I had to and also because I knew that in order to be and act like a clown, I needed to embrace that side of me. Overall, I believe that we did a very good job and worked well together as a group to make a very funny and charming scene happen for our audience. I loved all three skits and thought that everyone did an awesome job!! I'm looking forward to the Suess Final :)

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