This is the blog for the Stage Movement Class at Metro State University in Denver. We'll be discussing our readings and viewings for class here.

Apr 2, 2011

Hi guys

Hi family...

I just wanted to apologize for my absence today. I know this class really counts on working as a team and I feel as if I let down my group today.

But after rehearsal ended yesterday I started to notice my right knee was swelling but I didn't pay much attention to it..I figured it was one of the usual aches and pains of rehearsal

Then I got home and my knee got worse...My husband went out to get me some epsom salt so I could soak it and all it did was get bigger.

I gave it some serious thought and I know I had to stay at home, alert my Dad to the problem and see if it got any worse...

No progression either way as of right now, but I will keep you posted.

Thank you for understanding and I will return next week.

Matt and Mallory - I will be available to rehearse during the week for our clowning unit - and even if there happens to be a serious problem with my knee we can work it into the act.

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