This is the blog for the Stage Movement Class at Metro State University in Denver. We'll be discussing our readings and viewings for class here.

Feb 7, 2014

Chapter 4 Response

Personal Reaction: I think that the most interesting things about this chapter that stuck out to me were the idea of potent energy being a natural hidden strength, and the idea of inter-involvement being a fourth energy state.

During the section on potent energy, I really found myself engaged in the reading because I had never realized how much natural body strength that people have just by allowing themselves to be in a complete body stretch.  When we give our bodies that ability to freely stretch there is, in fact, a relaxing tension that our muscles experience.  It is not a tension that is making us feel uncomfortable or stressed.  It is more of a pulling force in our muscles that allow our bodies to loosen up, and in a way it does feel as though there is this hidden strength within our bodies.

The idea about the inter-involvement state of energy also interested me because it is an energy state that I have never been introduced to before.  If I have, it was not called inter-involvement at least.  I enjoyed this section because I think almost anyone can relate to using certain emotions as a way of pushing through something.  In chapter 4, there is something described as the e-motivated sit-up, which is a sit-up that is completely driven by emotion as opposed to musculature.  This made me picture Rocky doing sit-ups through anger in order to push through his exercise, or something like that.  I do not know if that is exactly what they are talking about, but it was how I interpreted it.

Professional Reaction: I think that many of the exercises that were talked about in this section would be extremely beneficial for any actor to participate in.  You will never be able to realize how much potential you can have as an actor unless you allow yourself to fully become aware of what it is that you can do.  If you can tune into your body then there are very easy ways to developing a variety of characters in a short amount of time.

Here are pictures for the three states we talked about in class.  (Flash-Radiant, Superman-Potent, Aquaman-Buoyant).

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