This is the blog for the Stage Movement Class at Metro State University in Denver. We'll be discussing our readings and viewings for class here.

Mar 13, 2014

The Rivals (Review)

Scene 1: Melissa and Rachel

Areas of Success: I saw that the blocking really demonstrated the relationship well.  I felt that the scene had a good amount of energy and pace.

Area to Improve: I had a hard time understanding what was being said.  At times the emotions over-powered the language.  The section when Rachel was reading out all of the books felt like it was dragging; it did not build up.

Scene 2: Kayla and Darcy

Areas of Success: I felt like both partners really filled out the costumes they were wearing and made them real (stayed true to the limitations of the period clothing).  It was clear to me where the scene had taken place.  Congrats to Kayla for staying into character even when the lines went away.

Area to Improve: The blocking was strong, but it looked a bit wandering.  Darcy had one eye for the whole performance.

Scene 3: JD and I

Areas of Success: We had a good understanding of the asides to the audience, and we allowed the scene to build to a climax.

Area to Improve: Some of our movements started to become less motivated and more "showy."

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