This is the blog for the Stage Movement Class at Metro State University in Denver. We'll be discussing our readings and viewings for class here.

Feb 11, 2011

Exercise One + TPIR

I have been up in Cheyenne, Wyoming for RMTA and have had plenty of chances to be in crowds. Last night, there was a little happy hour/social for all of the schools and I decided to do my scan there. There were approximately 50 people at this event and as I scanned the room, I found myself drawn to a guy who seemed to be in the middle of telling a story or something. He was animated and was using his whole body to communicate whatever message he was trying to deliver. He seemed to have a sense of confidence that really drew me in. I honestly wanted to go over and become one of his audience members but of course, I was not brave enough to do so. In theatre they say that movement draws attention which probably had something to do with me honing in on him but really I think it was the way that he was carrying himself. Then I thought maybe I was drawn to him because I thought he was attractive, but that was not the case. I do not like blonde guys. He was short too, so it wasn't like he stood out because he was physically taller.

The person that seemed invisible to me was a girl who maybe was upset about something. She was blonde as well. I guess I have something against blondes today or something :) She was actually sitting in a chair and was all alone. I thought that was interesting that she was the only one in the area and I hardly knew she was there. You would think that I would notice her first. She just seemed dead and pale. I felt really bad for her. I wanted to go up to a her and ask her what was wrong. She gave off hardly any energy even though she was wearing a hot pink shirt. It was as she was in lala land. I guess when you put yourself in a non-existant state, it communicates that to others subliminally.


When I watch The Price is Right, I hate watching the girls that display all of the items. I feel that they are all so fake. It is like the Stepford Wives or something. It feels like they are forced to behave a certain way. It is like game show rape. Even though they are all very pretty women, they seem like they are caged up and put on display. They have to make sure they are on their best behavior and it is so obvious that it makes them look uncomfortable. They have fake smiles and their bodies are very stiff. Their physical body image is perfect and they are all pretty much blonde trophy wives. They use buoyant energy to float around especially when they use their hands. Everything is done very "Vanna White" style. Even though I keep bashing everything they do, I am so drawn to them. I can't keep my eyes off of them which is probably a ploy to get people to buy the crap they are displaying.

1 comment:

  1. It has been interesting seeing how the PIR models' roles have changed since Drew Carey took over. For one thing, they're now all miked, and as such are encouraged by Drew to speak, *way* more often than they ever did before. Also, Drew tends to joke with them, remark about their ridiculousness more (I guess because he's a comedian first), and actually interact with them as actual people.

    But yeah.

    (Have fun at RMTA!)
