This is the blog for the Stage Movement Class at Metro State University in Denver. We'll be discussing our readings and viewings for class here.

Feb 12, 2011

Price is Right, and people watchin'

It's weird to watch these models caress and stroke the items. HA! They glide and are very smooth when they walk around. They definitely try to use motions that make toasters and blenders look super awesome and sheek. There is no potency in their movement. I noticed that moving in heels looks very natural on them. It reminds me how moving in all the 18th century clothing had to look natural and comfortable, when it most likely was not. It takes practice and pose to look nonchalant in heels. There is a grace and an ease that is so different from how people move in their every day lives. They definitely look happy and carefree, no other emotions. They are maintaining that image 100% of the time, which helps to showcase these items. I can almost picture putting the 18th century garb on them and having it fit quite well. I really like how they are having the models be vocal and talk now. It makes them seem like real people, which I personally find more attractive then robots. Although it seems like the easiest job ever, they do a remarkable job looking so freaking genuinly excited about these prodcuts, and not fake excited. No stove is that awesome, but they make you want it sooo bad.

Exercise one.
I think I will use a concert I attended as my observation. I got there pretty early so I had time to stand around and people watch. I naturally am just an observer of people, watching how people behave is endlessly interesting to me. I remember one man very vivdly. He was either slightly drunk or really trying to get noticed. The way he was dressed, the pitch and volume of his voice really made him stand out. Not to mention he shoved his way through the crowd with little regard for other people. He was there with his girlfriend who wasn't really noticeable standing next to him. So, he had a beard and was wearing a tan work jacket with casual pants and a scarf. Just the way he looked was enough to catch your eye. He wasn't neccassarily attractive, but striking rather. He voice was really loud and a little nasaly, and he was talking about himself pretty loudly. We had just gotten done hearing the opener and he was talking about his own music endeavors. He was noticeable because he was trying to be.
The girl who I found myself not noticing was standing a little ahead of me. She and her friend were taking photos and being excited. Her friend was quite noticeable because she had a glow about her. She look happy and fun and her facial features were interesting. She also reminded me of someone I know. She wasn't obnoxious like the other guy, but your eye was drawn to her. Her friend however isn't memorable at all. She was doing the exact same things as this girl, but I think she lacked a potency that her friend had. Her friend seemed very confident and steady. This girl just had a lighter aura about her.
I think if someone is standing in a crowd, just being comfortable and steady they are noticed. I've also noticed if somone is thinking about something very specific you notice them. Maybe because their energy is so focused, you feel a pull there. This crowd had a lot of young, kind of hip people all trying to make a splash. All the people I was standing around were interesting characters. Individuality is something that is accepted in this kinda crowd, so not many people were blending in. There were some very noticeable people. None so much as beard loud annoying guy though.

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