This is the blog for the Stage Movement Class at Metro State University in Denver. We'll be discussing our readings and viewings for class here.

Feb 4, 2011

Reading Response: New Flute and Chap. 4

I did some experimentation with radiance this week. The electric feel makes me feel awesome and reminds me of MGMT. I'm having trouble connecting to the buoyancy, but no trouble with potency. It's easier to recognize the connection between my feet and the earth than my body and the air. As for the inter-involvement, I can't quite figure out how to make that feel different from the other sensations. I seem to be missing the fourth step.

I really dug the prologue for the New Flute. I totally agree with the hypothesis that mixing art forms can lead to better art in general. Acting has taught me more about writing than any writing course could have, and vice versa. I feel like I'm finally starting to put a lot of pieces together as a result of learning improv, stage combat, directing, and speaking voice: namely, how better to get out of my head when I have to perform, be it free-writing or getting up on stage.

Not that I can do it one hundred percent of the time. That damn jump-hop-jump had me in a bad way last week. But still, once I get more used to using my body in an artistic way that it'll be much easier to just slip into movement like I can slip into words.

So speaking of speaking voice, the bit in the appendix looks familiar yet-not-familiar. Can we go over that stuff in class? I'm quite curious about it. I've been doing vocal warm ups for about a year, and I'm amazed at what it's done to my voice. I have a higher range, a deeper lower range, and it did a whole hell of a lot for my self-esteem. It's totally awesomecrazygood.

Uh. I should probably get to bed. I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. Happy moving......................Roberto

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